A few days back,I was one of the normal youngsters.I was sluggish and irresponsible.I often relaxed from being tired of too much relaxing.I felt guilty about myself,yet continued to be the same.I convinced myself that I would change from tomorrow,which by the way never came.
This was me a few days ago.But I ain't the same anymore.
A human brain when stretched with a new idea will never regain its' original state.This is what happened to me.With the assistance from one of my seniors(Mukesh) who's a Firefox Student Ambassador ,I got this idea to join Mozilla.I had a belief that being a part of Mozilla was the initial step to start a positive new phase in my life.
And of course,it turned out to be one of the best decisions I made.I slowly started getting involved with this awesome organization.I loved every experience of mine during Summer Safari,an initative by Kidzilla.I started realizing slowly as to how I moulded into a responsible and proactive Mozillian from a lazy,careless girl.
With the assistance from Harsha and Sujith,who are also Mozilla Representatives,we started going to many government schools.We taught them about Computers and safe use of Internet.
After my exposure to the real world and my interactions with the students of government schools, I understood that the biggest pleasure comes from doing something good for others no matter how small of a good deed it is.The sparkle in the kids' eyes,the gratitude they showed towards us, for teaching them about something which would be a huge part of their lives in the future,the love they poured on us had a very great impact on me.
These insights made me recognize how lucky I'm and also made me comprehend how much we can do in our own little ways for our country.
We initially started with a team of three and then eventually we ended up as a team of around 8 members.Santhosh Vishwanatham,Sphoorti,Harika,Navya,Yadigiri,Sujith,Harsha and I(Sruthi).I must say that we made a great team.The thing which we all had in common,was to teach the less privileged kids about the biggest technical-treasure,the Internet.
I proudly say that Mozilla is making a very great impact on the society through its Kidzilla program.
After my experiences of being a Mozillian,I accept that the caption,"Doing good,is a part of our code," rightly suits Mozilla...
It is indeed doing so much good,in not only educating kids through Kidzilla,but also by transforming regular and normal youngsters into confident,proactive and responsible individuals.
I am proud to say that I belong to the Mozilla family.
Hats off to Mozilla and The Massive "Mark" it has on all of us,specifically on me!!!

This was me a few days ago.But I ain't the same anymore.
A human brain when stretched with a new idea will never regain its' original state.This is what happened to me.With the assistance from one of my seniors(Mukesh) who's a Firefox Student Ambassador ,I got this idea to join Mozilla.I had a belief that being a part of Mozilla was the initial step to start a positive new phase in my life.
And of course,it turned out to be one of the best decisions I made.I slowly started getting involved with this awesome organization.I loved every experience of mine during Summer Safari,an initative by Kidzilla.I started realizing slowly as to how I moulded into a responsible and proactive Mozillian from a lazy,careless girl.
With the assistance from Harsha and Sujith,who are also Mozilla Representatives,we started going to many government schools.We taught them about Computers and safe use of Internet.
After my exposure to the real world and my interactions with the students of government schools, I understood that the biggest pleasure comes from doing something good for others no matter how small of a good deed it is.The sparkle in the kids' eyes,the gratitude they showed towards us, for teaching them about something which would be a huge part of their lives in the future,the love they poured on us had a very great impact on me.
These insights made me recognize how lucky I'm and also made me comprehend how much we can do in our own little ways for our country.
We initially started with a team of three and then eventually we ended up as a team of around 8 members.Santhosh Vishwanatham,Sphoorti,Harika,Navya,Yadigiri,Sujith,Harsha and I(Sruthi).I must say that we made a great team.The thing which we all had in common,was to teach the less privileged kids about the biggest technical-treasure,the Internet.

After my experiences of being a Mozillian,I accept that the caption,"Doing good,is a part of our code," rightly suits Mozilla...
It is indeed doing so much good,in not only educating kids through Kidzilla,but also by transforming regular and normal youngsters into confident,proactive and responsible individuals.
I am proud to say that I belong to the Mozilla family.
Hats off to Mozilla and The Massive "Mark" it has on all of us,specifically on me!!!